Chamorro Standard Time: Sunday, January 19, 2025 - 10:18 PM




About Us

Created by: PL 21-42; Arts 3, Ch 60, 21 GCA
English: Division of Geographic Information System/Land Information System
Chamorro: Dibisión Sisteman Infotmasión Geographiko / Sisteman Infotmasión Tåno'

1. Laws were brought about by the Guam Legislature out of the concern for DLM to gain confidence of the taxpayers in protecting all of Guam's land assets. DLM intends to fulfill this trust partly through office automation.
____A. In 1990, Public Law 20-221, Section 99, served as the catalyst for DLM's GIS program and LIS program as it provided funds to initiate the automation of recorded land documents and maps.
________(1) Contractual employment for automation project
________(2) Convert two temporary positions to permanent positions to provide needed map data and to process the editing and approval of maps for recording.
________(3) Implement a new automated and secure record keeping system
____B. In 1991, Public Law 21-42, Chapter III,
________Section 27, funded the creation of the Division of GIS/LIS within DLM with 13 additional employees.
________Section 28, funded the additional hardware and software for the Geographic Information System.
____C. In 1995, Public Law 23-31 , allowed for the introduction of the 1993 Guam Geodetic Network to control the standards for using GPS relative positioning techniques as updated as necessary and adopt the North American Datum of 1983 as the coordinate reference system.
____D. In 1998, Public Law 24-301, allows the dissemination of public records and information on magnetic media and via the internet.
________Section 10310, DLM shall publish a complete set of the maps of Guam on CD-ROM
____E. In 2009, Public Law 30-35 , allows Guam Land Surveyors to certify, within the metadata of a Geographical Information System data base, the positional accuracy of the features, cadastal and/or boundary lines, fixed objects, utilities, images and graphically displayed data sets that are used for base mapping .

2. The Land Information System (LIS) program is aimed at capturing data elements for the entire island of Guam.
____A. Recorded documents, Recorded maps, Recorded Certificate of Titles, and Recorded Notice of Actions
____B. Naval Guaranty Certificates and Maps
____C. Spanish bull cart trails & crown lands
____D. Guam Zone Maps, Tract Maps, Subdivision Maps, and Condominium Maps and Units
____E. Government of Guam Registered & Unregistered lands
____F. Chamorro Land Trust Lands
____G. Guahan Ancestral Lands

3. The Geographic Information System (GIS) program is aimed at displaying the LIS data elements geographically over a picture of Guam.
____A. Survey accurate geographic location
____B. Relatively accurate geographic location
____C. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Standards

4. The Division of GIS/LIS employees have reduced over the years.
____A. As of 1990, 2 full-time employees supported the Div. of GIS/LIS.
____B. As of 1991, an additional 13 employees supported the Div. of GIS/LIS.
____C. As of 2018, the LIS program has 4 full-time employees to process daily recorded documents, maps, certificate of titles, and notice of actions.
____________Quality control of scanned recorded documents
____________Database entry of scanned recorded documents
____________Quality control of database entries
____________Scanning of recorded documents
____D. The GIS program has 1 Acting GIS/LIS Division Head to manage the Division.
____E. As of 2018, the Network Systems Support has 1 full-time employee to install, maintain, update, upgrade or coordinate:
________Microsoft Active Directory (security)
________Microsoft Exchange (e-mail)
________LIS program hardware and software
________GIS program hardware and software
________Network servers, printers, and switches
________VoIP phone system, hardware and software
________Website updates


You can find services information here.

Forms and Documents

You can find information on forms and documents here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where do I find the Division of GIS/LIS?
A: 590 S. Marine Corp. Drive, 3rd floor ITC Building,Tamuning, Guam.

Q: Who is the manager for the Division of GIS/LIS?
A: George Tydingco, Title: Management Analyst IV, Role: Acting Division Head.

Q: What are employees doing in the Division of GIS/LIS?
A: Data Entry of recorded documents, Data Control of recorded documents, Network System Support, and Website updates.

Q: What number do I call for customer service for the Division of GIS/LIS?
A: (671) 649-5263 x114.

Q: How do I search for recorded land documents and recorded maps?
A: The current Land Information System (LIS) used by DLM is owned by Next Generation called the Land Web app ( Updated by DLM employees each business day to provide information for DLM customers and employees.

Q: What Geographic Information System (GIS) is used by DLM?
A: ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop software with shapefiles and geodatabases created and maintained by the Div. of Land Survey managed by Paul Santos, Chief of Cadastre.